Mental Health Coordination

As a Mental Health Coordinator (certification pending), I am dedicated to fostering ethical and compelling portrayals of mental health and challenging themes within creative spaces.

With a comprehensive approach spanning organizational, project-specific, and artist-focused levels, I offer a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of creators and consumers alike. Whether you're seeking support at the policy level through audits and access assessments, navigating community engagement and resource management at the project level, or implementing container practices and consent navigation at the individual level, I provide thoughtful guidance and resources to facilitate a safe and inclusive environment.

It's important to note that while I strive to offer comprehensive support, I do not claim to fix everything or provide therapy. I am not a licensed clinician.

My focus is on promoting awareness, facilitating dialogue, and empowering individuals and communities to navigate complex mental health issues with sensitivity and care. Let's work together to create spaces where everyone can thrive.

Ethical, Empathetic, and Safer Storytelling

Schedule a 30-minute consultation today!

Mental Health Coordinators Do...

Organizational Support

  • policy audits

  • culture surveys

  • concern navigation pathway work

  • access audits

  • referral networks

  • onboarding work

Project Support

  • risk analysis

  • choreography/portrayal devising

  • community engagement/resource management

  • project-based cultural work

Artist Support

  • container practice

  • experience management

  • navigating concerns/issues

  • documentation

  • consent/power dynamic navigation

The Association of Mental Health Coordinators

For more information about the Association of Mental Health Coordinators please click here.

Mental Health Coordinators Do Not...

  • fix everything

  • therapize

  • have no boundaries

  • please everyone

  • achieve perfection

“Jimmy Chrismon has revolutionized “best practices” within Theatre at our state university. As a director, I involved him with my first MainStage production at the school, a play that dealt heavily with mental health issues. I wanted to protect my team, and Jimmy introduced practices that everyone embraced, but that also spread like wildfire over time, with individuals carrying these practices with them to future productions in which they were involved. Actors learned tools for advocating for themselves and their own boundaries, and tools were extended to the entire production team. Our nightly ritual of de-roling and dancing it out before leaving the space, for example, became moments that everyone looked forward to— they further solidified the group’s bond, while also caring for the group’s psyches. Jimmy inspires and cultivates a team that cares for one another, and theatre needs to be more of that always.”

- Al Oltmans, MFA Director, Illinois State University